Booking for 4 guests
Booking for 4 guests
The price shown is per night click on quantity to indicate the number of nights you are booking for.
Our minimum stay is 2 nights. This booking area is for the main house with up to 2 guests in 2 bedrooms. Please note our second bedroom is suitable for kids with 2 single beds, one of which is a high bed (please see photos below). We can accommodate more than 4 people, up to 6, please contact us to find out more -
Additional information
Although our Holiday Cottage Casa da Bezerra is small it is very well planned and has a lovely open feel to it. The kitchen and living room are open plan and they have a full height vaulted ceiling which adds to the feeling of lightness and space.
The smaller bedroom opens onto the main bedroom and consists of two single beds, one of these beds is a high bed (please see pictures below). This room is very well suited to children or young adults but, as the top bed is accessed by a ladder, it may not be suitable for elderly or infirm people. This room has its own door and windows so it is well ventilated yet private from the main bedroom and the rest of the building. The main bedroom is built on a mezzanine floor and is open plan above the kitchen and living room below.