Bonfires and Brilliantly Bright mornings

As we still have the kids with us we decided it would be nice to have a proper Guy Fawkes Bonfire party at the Quinta with hot dogs, mulled wine, roasted chestnuts and cake, Oh and fireworks of course.  The kids loved it and the best thing of all was the night co-incided with a real change in the weather.  It went from 28 degrees in the day and warm 13 degree nights to 13 degree days and minus 2+ degree nights on 5th November so the bonfires were really welcome.

And little Kimba, my Grandson, was the official fire starter!  He loved it

The best think about cold nights are the beautiful, fresh frosty mornings.  Once the sun hits the rock everything steams - very atmospheric and beautiful.

More frosty morning photos coming soon!