Dr Dave and the table
Sometimes guests arrive and immediately just relax and enjoy the house and the surrounding spaces......
Then sometimes we have guests like Dr Dave!
The wonderful Dr Dave
Don't get me wrong, he also enjoyed the place and the surroundings, but decided to help us by making a huge dining table which we plan to use this Christmas with the family. The weather was great, very hot in fact, Rik set him up with the tools and they ordered the wood which, in true Portuguese style, was wet and wobbly! As soon as it arrived he got to work......
We now have a really fabulous table, big enough to seat 10 people, really sturdy and very beautiful to look at. We are currently treating it with Danish Oil and, as soon as the old and very big bread oven is taken out of our kitchen, it will take pride of place in our own kitchen.
Thank you Dave! We miss you and really look forward to your return. Photos will be taken of our first meal I promise.
The perfect guest....................... XXX
Our beautiful new table just waiting for Danish oil to bring out the colour of the wood.
It wasn't all work, we did feed him too. A well deserved lunch with two other lovely guests Jo and Rob Feloy.