Environmental Information
It is our aim to impact on our beautiful environment as little as possible. We compost and recycle keenly, we use "green" and homemade cleaning products as well as recycled paper products when we can. We also do our best to support local businesses.
"Sustainability - modern comforts with very little carbon use"
“We are a business committed to a sustainable future. We have been working hard for 23 years to reduce our impact on the planet".
To ensure that our visitors understand our sustainability commitment, we have been assessed by Green Tourism to validate our practice. This independent assessment brings reassurance that our practice is evidenced and authenticated. We are proud to have been awarded a GOLD award in our 2022 assessment.
To find out more about this wonderful accolade click HERE
We are a fully solar powered off-grid farm, we generate all our own electricity from solar panels on the roof which is stored in a large bank of batteries, this is then converted into 240v power so its usable in the houses. We do have a generator for use if it is absolutely necessary but this is rarely used and when it is we use bio diesel.
The hot water used in the main house comes from solar panels on the roof, this is backed up in the winter with our wonderful wood fired ESSE range cooker, we use our own wood from our small woodland whenever possible. During the winter we also use a biomass boiler (wood) which heats water for the underfloor heating in the main house. Casa da Bezerra has its own “Jotul” wood burner that heats up the whole house in very little time as the granite acts as a perfect heat sink, absorbing heat from the sun (even in winter) all day and then letting it out inside the house after dark. We use our own sustainably managed wood in this burner as well.
Our water comes from two bore holes and is collected from the underground source over 65m deep, water filters through solid granite to get there and is cold and crystal clear. We use this water for all our gardens and crop irrigation as well as in both houses for washing, cooking and drinking. We try very hard to be as economical as possible with the water.
Throughout both houses we use our own eco cleaning products and we have our own septic tank with a deep, long soak away system for the clean waste water. All our waste is sorted and recycled, the food waste goes to the animals so very little ends up in land fill.
Our policies and plans
Click on the buttons below to find out more about what we do here and what we plan to do in the future (Updated every year).
Environmental Policy - this shows what we already do to help us to become as environmentally friendly as possible.
Action Plan - Our green action plan to help us define goals and set new targets
Our accessibility guide with more detailed information to help people with disabilities.
Responsible Visitors Code - how you can help us to be even greener and take some more ideas home with you!
Fire prevention information to help you understand what to do if you see a fire & how to protect yourself
NEW Climate Action Plan and Carbon Management How we have set goals to reduce our carbon footprint
Bottled water - a choice or not? information on why its better to drink from the tap.
Waste management plan - just to let you know how we dispose of our waste and how we hope to improve
Pet Policy - Information about staying with pets, you will be asked to sign this on arrival.